A script update for the (DS) Gold Pot and (DS) Bronze Pot adds new features. To get the update, go to an inworld Bit Bucket location, wear your Gold Pot or Bronze Pot, then wear the Bit Bucket that is delivered to you.
An inworld Bit Bucket Giver is located at Diamond Synthesis Pots & Buckets
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Blung/229/30/21This update is recommended for fishing areas that use buy ins or run multiple contests at the same time.
1. Board Locking
If you want a pot to listen only to a specific board, you can lock the pot to that board. This is necessary if you have multiple pot/board combinations set up for different contests. By default, a pot listens to all contest boards within 20m.
To lock a pot to a board, first click "Lock" on the pot menu. Within 60 seconds, click "Plug-ins" on the 7Seas Contest Board menu, then click "Broadcast". The board will give you instructions in chat on how to broadcast the board key. Follow those instructions. When successful, the pot reports "Locked to board with minikey xxxxxx", where "xxxxxx" is the minikey, that is, the first 6 digits of the board key. The pot menu also shows "Lock: xxxxxx".
You can lock multiple pots to the same contest board.
To reset a pot that is locked to a board, take the pot into inventory and rerez it.
2. Buy In Refund
If a person makes a contribution to a pot prior to the beginning of the buy in period, the pot refunds the contribution. This feature is enabled only when the pot is configured for a buy in, that is, a contest entry fee.